Update on financial relief available to business.

Kia Ora, Tena Katoa, Hello to All.

In the climate of level four covid-19 lockdowns, Cleaver Partners are pleased to advise we are fully operational and will provide continued access to our financial management and accounting services for all clients and associates at this time.  We are committed to helping business and together we can navigate through this.

While we awaiting a directive from CAANZ as to whether or not we are officially classified as an “essential business”, Cleaver Partners’ employees are working from home and are available on phone and email.

Our contact details are as previous:

Cleaver Partners reception: (09) 376 2445
Contact your Cleaver Partners adviser, by email / DDI, via our website: Contact the team
Email: info@cleaver.co.nz

Face to face meetings can be arranged via the usual apps at your request.

We appreciate this is an unprecedented time for all of us, and that everyone will be working through similar challenges. Getting through this requires resourcefulness and sharing of ideas, information and common strategies.

What relief is available to business owners and the self-employed:

  • Government backed loans of up to $500k for businesses are being made available, let us know if you would like to apply for this. The loan will ultimately come from your bank – but with the government backing 80% of it. This makes it much easier to get finance than it normally would be in these circumstances: News Release Info here.
  • Provisional and other Tax. Now is the time to re-estimate your Provisional Tax for the 31/3/2020 year and get any extra you paid – refunded. Reach out to us directly if you want help with this: IRD information link here.
  • Tax Finance – we are able to “finance your income tax bill” through Tax Management New Zealand. This allows you to pay your provisional tax off over a longer time period at very attractive interest rates: More info at Tax Management New Zealand or contact us.
  • IRD are proposing to write off UOMI (use of money interest on late payments), now is the time to negotiate an arrangement: IRD information link here.
  • Kiwisaver has been opened up, people can now apply to access their Kiwisaver due to economic hardship: News Release Here.
  • Mortages and other loans. Banks are giving loan holidays to those who need them: News Release Here.
  • Commercial Tenancies. Most commercial tenancies have a fair use clause in the agreement. Therefor if you’re unable to use part or all of the premises you are renting, you may be able to negotiate a payment that is reasonable on the availability for use.  More info available soon.
  • Residential tenants will also be able to negotiate relief with their landlords: More info here.
  • Accountancy fees. We have finance packages available to assist with paying your bill via SmartAR. Contact lesley@cleaver.co.nz for more information on this.
  • Early bird discount. Don’t hold off sending your 31/3/2020 information in. We are prepared to give you a 10% discount for all jobs submitted before 31/5/2020. Questionnaires will be sent out early April.

Please reach out to our team for assistance with any of the above.

Let’s view this as an opportunity to work more closely together. It’s time to review and overhaul the way we do businesses. Let’s weather this storm, and in doing so look to come out as stronger more thoughtful entrepreneurs, business and people, better than ever, and well equipped to take advantage of the many opportunities that will no doubt arise on the other side of our collective challenges.

Be proactive.

Please take care to look after yourself, your family and those in your close communities.

Nāku iti nei, nā | Yours humbly
The Cleaver Partners Team

STAY UP TO DATE WITH US:  We will be updating regularly through this email channel as the covid-19 situation evolves. If you wish to add a new or alternative email address for receipt of our future updates, please subscribe at the bottom of our home page https://cleaverpartners.co.nz/