
FBT exempt Flu Vaccination – new rules.

2025-03-07T22:57:38+00:00March 7th, 2025|Articles, Business Tips, FBT, IRD|

Flu vaccinations are exempt from fringe benefit tax (FBT) if they are provided to employees either through a clinic set up on work premises, or where a voucher is given to the employee to use at their doctor or another clinic. This is because the vaccinations fall under a specific exemption targeting a health and safety [...]

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How to react to Tax errors filed with IRD.

2025-03-07T22:54:43+00:00March 7th, 2025|Articles, Business Tips, IRD|

We all appreciate 'Tax compliance can be complex' - between Income Tax, GST, PAYE, FBT, RWT etc., there is a lot to manage and get right. And whilst rare, it is inevitable that from time-to-time errors can occur in providing correct return information. These can be in your favour, or against. When these 'oh-oh' moments occur the important question [...]

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PAYE and Personal Grievances. What’s the Tax?

2025-03-07T23:04:16+00:00March 7th, 2025|Articles, Business Tips, IRD|

Although not desirable, it is not unusual for an employee to raise a personal grievance with their employer. Thankfully section 123 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (ERA) provides for a number of remedies for all parties, where an employee has a personal grievance.  Where an employee is awarded grievance money due to suffering 'work-related' humiliation, loss [...]

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Schedular Tax activity as defined by IRD.

2025-03-07T22:44:35+00:00March 7th, 2025|Articles, Business Tips, IRD|

The schedular tax regime falls under the PAYE rules and typically applies to require tax to be withheld from self-employed individuals if they perform certain types of work, which could be as diverse as 'modelling or shearing'. Ordinarily, most payments to contracted companies are not subject to schedular tax. However, payments to companies for the supply of [...]

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Understanding when to apply FBT on vehicles.

2025-03-08T04:30:15+00:00March 7th, 2025|Articles, Business Strategy, FBT, IRD|

The amount of Fringe Benefit Tax payable depends on the value of the motor vehicle benefit. Sounds simple enough right? However the common complaint about Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) is that calculating the correct FBT rate for vehicles (one of the most common employee benefits) is way too complex. Mistakes arise from not properly understanding the circumstances in which provision [...]

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FBT and home to work travel.

2025-03-07T23:02:17+00:00November 19th, 2024|Articles, Business Strategy, FBT, IRD|

A common complaint made by employers is that the amount of time it takes to meet their FBT obligations is disproportionate to the amount of tax it actually generates. This frustration is arguably borne out in the number of mistakes that are often made when calculating the amount of FBT payable. A good example [...]

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Protect your business and brand reputation.

2025-03-07T23:03:11+00:00November 19th, 2024|Articles, Business Tips|

Over the last 18 months there have been a number of businesses fall over – which in and of itself has not been surprising given the recent economic climate. However, one element that serves as a warning for us all is the flow on effect of those failures. Not just in a tangible sense, [...]

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LTC’s – extracting Tax Free Capital Gains

2025-03-08T03:47:11+00:00November 19th, 2024|Articles, Business Strategy, IRD|

If a company sells a capital asset (e.g. commercial land) and derives a non-taxable capital gain, it’s reasonable to expect the shareholders to want access to the cash. However, the problem often arises that in order for a capital gain to be distributed tax-free, the company needs to be wound up. This is a [...]

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Identifying non-residential depreciable assets.

2025-03-08T03:49:08+00:00November 19th, 2024|Articles, Business Tips, IRD|

The depreciation rate for non-residential buildings has been reduced to 0%, effective from the 2024 / 25 income year. However, commercial fit-out remains depreciable. This makes the distinction between the two important because it is the difference between not being able to deduct any depreciation at all versus being able to claim a good [...]

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Our Tax System – IR’s Long-Term Insights Briefing.

2025-03-07T22:08:28+00:00November 19th, 2024|Articles, Business Tips, IRD|

Inland Revenue has commenced consultation on what topic should be covered in its next Long-Term Insights Briefing (LTIB). Inland Revenue, like other government departments, is required to produce a LTIB once every three years. The core purpose of an LTIB is to identify and explore long-term issues to help plan for the future. Initial [...]

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