
Labour shortages

2023-05-30T06:41:01+00:00February 16th, 2023|Articles|

A new year’s resolution to grow your business is likely to require growing your team. It’s fair to say that the labour market is tight at the moment and seems to be getting tighter with each passing month. Recruitment for staff is taking much longer, with a reduction in both the number and skills [...]

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Private school donations

2023-05-30T06:41:27+00:00February 16th, 2023|Articles, Snippets|

Private schools will typically be registered as a charity. As such, parents will sometimes treat payments to the school as a charitable donation for tax purposes. Inland Revenue are making it clear on its interpretation on this subject through the release in October 2022 of QB 22/09 – Income Tax – Payments made by [...]

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Provisional tax regime

2023-05-30T06:41:56+00:00February 16th, 2023|Articles|

In New Zealand the provisional tax regime is designed to help taxpayers manage their income tax obligations, by requiring certain taxpayers to pay tax in instalments throughout the year, instead of one large lump sum at the end of the year. This regime applies to taxpayers who have residual income tax (RIT) of greater [...]

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IRD – Whether a subdivision was subject to income tax and GST

2023-05-30T06:42:11+00:00February 16th, 2023|Articles|

In November 2022 Inland Revenue issued TDS 22/21, a Technical Decision Summary on whether the profit from a subdivision was subject to income tax and GST.  TDS 22/21 covered a dispute involving a subdivision by the taxpayer of land into two lots. The taxpayer had acquired the property for the purpose of renovating and [...]

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Residential property – A class of its own

2023-05-30T06:42:25+00:00February 16th, 2023|Articles|

Despite recent reductions in property prices, there is little doubt that the passion New Zealanders have for investing in residential property will survive. However, the tax treatment of residential rental investments has increasingly become a tangled web of complexity due to changes in legislation over the past few years.  It used to be that [...]

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